In the complex and highly regulated field of medical device manufacturing, ensuring compliance with quality standards is paramount. Medical parts manufacturing stands at the heart of this intricate ecosystem, serving as the backbone for producing devices that are critical for patient care around the world.

Regulatory demands, such as adhering to ISO 13485 standards, guide manufacturers through a labyrinth of prerequisites aimed at maintaining the highest level of quality and safety for medical devices. This emphasis on strict adherence to regulatory guidelines underscores the significant responsibility borne by manufacturers to deliver medical equipment parts that are not only effective but also reliably safe for end-users.

This article will navigate through the essential aspects of manufacturing medical parts, focusing on understanding the regulatory frameworks including FDA compliance and ISO 13485 certification. It will detail the essential requirements for FDA compliance, highlight the significance of complying with ISO 13485 standards, and discuss the implementation of rigorous quality control processes. Furthermore, methods to ensure that medical device manufacturing meets and exceeds the established standards of quality and compliance will be explored.



Understanding Regulatory Frameworks: FDA and ISO 13485

Overview of FDA Regulations

The FDA’s Quality Management System Regulation (QMSR) Final Rule, effective from February 2026, aligns with ISO 13485:2016, focusing on medical devices’ quality management systems. This harmonization facilitates consistency in regulatory frameworks used across various authorities, enhancing the global trust in FDA compliance.

The FDA categorizes medical devices into three classes based on risk, with regulatory controls intensifying from Class I to Class III. Each class demands specific compliance protocols, from general controls for Class I to Premarket Approval (PMA) for Class III devices. Additionally, the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) oversees the regulation of medical devices, ensuring safety and effectiveness from manufacturing to market.


Overview of ISO 13485 Standards

ISO 13485 is pivotal for manufacturers in the medical device sector, serving as a comprehensive quality management system that underscores the importance of consistent design, development, and production. ISO 13485 certification is essential not only for market trust but also for regulatory compliance, including the necessary CE marking for trading within the European Economic Area. This standard includes specific requirements that address risk management and product lifecycle, which are crucial for maintaining the efficacy and safety of medical devices. The 2016 revision of ISO 13485 introduced a risk-based approach to quality management, emphasizing the need for manufacturers to integrate this perspective across all operations to meet regulatory expectations effectively.



Essential Requirements for FDA Compliance

Establishment Registration

Manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, along with initial distributors, known as importers, are mandated to register their establishments with the FDA. This registration must be submitted electronically, and all information must be verified annually between October 1st and December 31st each year. For foreign manufacturers, a U.S. Agent must also be designated. This registration process is crucial as it aids the FDA in maintaining a record of all entities involved in the production and distribution of medical devices within the U.S.

Medical Device Listing

Following establishment registration, manufacturers must list their medical devices with the FDA. This includes a wide range of entities from manufacturers to reprocessors of single-use devices. The listing process is essential for the FDA to monitor which devices are being produced and to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. If a device requires a Premarket Notification 510(k), it cannot be commercially distributed until FDA clearance is obtained.


Premarket Notification 510(k)

The 510(k) is a premarket submission that demonstrates a device’s safety and effectiveness by proving its substantial equivalence to a legally marketed device. Manufacturers need to submit a 510(k) if they intend to introduce a new device into commercial distribution in the U.S. This submission is critical for obtaining marketing authorization for the device.


Quality System Regulation (QS Regulation)

Under the Quality System (QS) Regulation, which aligns with international standards like ISO 13485, manufacturers must establish and follow quality systems. This regulation covers various aspects of production, from design to servicing, ensuring that devices meet FDA standards for safety and effectiveness. Compliance with QS regulations is verified through FDA inspections, making it a fundamental aspect of FDA compliance.


Labeling and Medical Device Reporting

Labeling regulations are specified under several parts of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. These regulations ensure that all medical devices are accompanied by clear, accurate labeling that informs users of the device’s intended use and any risks associated with its use. Additionally, Medical Device Reporting (MDR) is a critical postmarket surveillance tool used by the FDA to monitor device performance and track adverse events. Manufacturers, importers, and device user facilities must report any serious injuries, deaths, or safety issues encountered with the devices to the FDA.



Complying with ISO 13485 Standards

ISO 13485 is pivotal for manufacturers in the medical device sector, outlining rigorous requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS) that ensures consistent design, development, and production. The 2016 revision of ISO 13485 places a strong emphasis on risk management, significantly impacting how device manufacturers approach quality assurance.


Documentation and Record-Keeping

Effective control and management of documentation are crucial under ISO 13485. The standard requires a structured documentation system to ensure consistency and traceability throughout the product lifecycle. Key components include the Quality Manual, which outlines the structure of the QMS, and various levels of documentation, such as SOPs, work instructions, and records that demonstrate compliance. This hierarchical documentation ensures that processes are carried out uniformly and are continually monitored for compliance and efficacy.


Supplier Management

ISO 13485 emphasizes the necessity of meticulous supplier management to maintain product quality and compliance. This standard requires manufacturers to document processes for evaluating and selecting suppliers that can meet the specified requirements. This includes conducting risk assessments to determine the criticality of each supplier’s impact on the overall quality of the medical devices. Regular audits and re-evaluations are mandated to ensure ongoing compliance and to address any potential risks associated with suppliers.


Risk Management

The revision of ISO 13485 has introduced a more pronounced focus on risk management, requiring a risk-based approach to be embedded throughout the QMS. This involves identifying potential risks in every process, from design and development to production and post-market activities. Manufacturers must implement appropriate risk control measures and maintain records of risk assessments, mitigation actions, and results. The integration of risk management into the QMS enhances the ability to produce safe and effective medical devices compliant with regulatory requirements.

By adhering to these standards, manufacturers not only comply with international regulatory expectations but also ensure the highest quality of medical devices, ultimately safeguarding end-user safety.



Implementing Quality Control Processes

Defining Quality Control Objectives

The quality control process in medical parts manufacturing hinges on establishing robust acceptance criteria. These criteria are documented in a formal acceptance document that specifies the exact features and specifications a device must meet to be deemed fit for sale. It is crucial that the language used in defining these features is clear and unambiguous to prevent any misinterpretation that could lead to a product being incorrectly flagged as non-conforming. This clarity helps ensure that all quality control team members have a uniform understanding of the standards against which they are testing.


Inspection and Testing Procedures

Once the quality control objectives are set, the focus shifts to the inspection and testing of medical devices. This stage is critical as it determines whether a product batch is ready for shipment. Quality control teams are responsible for conducting detailed inspections and various tests to verify that each product meets the established acceptance criteria. According to FDA’s quality system regulation, medical device manufacturers are allowed to design their own quality control tests. However, it is mandatory to maintain comprehensive documentation that substantiates the effectiveness of these tests. This documentation is crucial for meeting FDA compliance and for internal audits to assess the consistency of the quality control process.


Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)

CAPA plays a pivotal role in the quality control process. It is triggered when quality control staff identify a nonconforming product during inspections. The team must then perform a root cause analysis to uncover any systemic flaws that led to the nonconformance. This process is essential for not only correcting the immediate issue but also for implementing preventive measures to avoid future occurrences. While CAPA is a powerful tool for maintaining high quality and compliance, it is important to use it judiciously to avoid unnecessary investigations that could divert resources from more critical issues. Properly managed, CAPA helps in continuously improving the quality control processes, thereby enhancing product safety and reliability.



Methods to Ensure High Standards

Internal Audits

Internal audits are a fundamental requirement for maintaining compliance with both FDA and ISO 13485 standards. They serve as a critical self-assessment tool to ensure that all processes related to medical device manufacturing meet the highest quality standards. By adopting a rigorous internal audit system, manufacturers can identify areas of non-compliance and implement corrective actions promptly. Utilizing modern Quality Management Systems (QMS) can streamline the audit process by automating workflows and ensuring comprehensive coverage of all necessary areas.


Continuous Improvement

The philosophy of continuous improvement is integral to achieving and maintaining high standards in medical parts manufacturing. This approach involves a perpetual cycle of evaluating processes, implementing improvements, and reassessing outcomes. Continuous improvement ensures that manufacturing processes not only meet current compliance requirements but also adapt to evolving industry standards and technologies.


Training and Competence

Effective training programs are crucial for ensuring that all employees are competent and capable of performing their roles according to the stringent requirements of medical device manufacturing. Comprehensive training equips personnel with the necessary skills to identify potential safety risks and ensures adherence to quality standards. A systematic training approach minimizes the risk of non-compliance and enhances the overall quality of the medical devices produced.




The landscape of medical device manufacturing is one of perpetual evolution, where continuous improvement and adherence to regulatory expectations remain paramount. As we look towards the future, the focus on advanced quality management systems and the effective integration of risk management throughout the product lifecycle will undoubtedly remain critical.

If you’re looking for further insights and solutions for your medical device manufacturing needs, contact AIP Precision Machining and let our medical parts manufacturing experts assist your team.




1 – Which international standard governs risk management in medical device manufacturing?

ISO 14971 is the recognized global standard for risk management in the development of medical devices. Companies manufacturing medical devices must adhere to ISO 14971’s risk management processes to market their products internationally.


2 – What does compliance entail in the medical device sector?

Compliance in the medical device industry involves adhering to specific regulatory requirements. Manufacturers must implement a quality management system, establish proper design controls, engage in post-market surveillance, and gather clinical evidence to demonstrate compliance.


3 – What FDA regulations must be followed for medical device compliance?

The Quality System Regulation (QS Regulation) under 21 CFR Part 820 is essential for medical device compliance. This regulation covers various aspects, including design, purchasing, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, storage, installation, and servicing of medical devices.


4 – Why is quality control critical in manufacturing medical devices?

Quality control in medical device manufacturing is crucial primarily because it enhances patient safety. By helping to identify and prevent defects in medical devices, quality control programs significantly improve patient safety outcomes.

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The aerospace industry is witnessing a transformative shift with the advent of high precision 3D printing technology, revolutionizing the fabrication of complex polymer components.


This innovative process, also known as additive manufacturing, creates three-dimensional objects by depositing materials layer-by-layer based on a digital file, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of cost savings, customization, rapid prototyping, and material versatility.


With the ability to produce intricate geometries and lightweight structures, 3D printing is becoming an indispensable tool in aerospace engineering and manufacturing.


The evolution of 3D printing in aerospace can be traced back to the early 1980s, with the invention of the first 3D printer by Dr. Hideo Kodama in 1981.


Since then, various 3D printing technologies have emerged, including Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and Stereolithography (SLA), each offering unique capabilities for aerospace parts manufacturing . As the technology continues to advance, the aerospace industry is poised to leverage high precision 3D printing for a wide range of applications, from engine components and interior parts to prototyping and tooling.



The Evolution of 3D Printing in Aerospace

The aerospace industry was one of the earliest adopters of 3D printing technology, with the US military and defense sector being the largest contributors since 1989. Initially, 3D printing was primarily used for prototyping and testing purposes. However, as the technology advanced, its applications expanded throughout the aerospace component lifecycle.


Some notable milestones in the evolution of 3D printing in aerospace include:


  1. In 2011, the University of Southampton designed the first 3D printed aircraft, SULSA, weighing 3 kgs with a span of 1.2m.
  2. SpaceX utilized 3D printing technology in 2014 for multiple rocket components, including fuel tanks, engine parts, helmets, visors, valves, and microphones.
  3. Airbus unveiled ‘Thor’ in 2016, an unmanned aerial vehicle with an entire body made by 3D printing, excluding electrical engine parts.
  4. Honeywell Aerospace received FAA approval for its first 3D printed flight-critical engine component in 2020.
  5. In March 2023, Relativity Space launched the world’s first 3D rocket, Terran 1.


Today, 3D printing is revolutionizing the aerospace industry by enabling the production of complex, lightweight components quickly and efficiently. Metal, plastic, and composite materials are used to create various parts, such as engine components, fuel nozzles, and heat exchangers.


The aerospace industry now accounts for nearly 16% of the total revenue generated by the additive manufacturing industry.



Advantages of High Precision 3D Printing for Aerospace Polymers

High precision 3D printing offers numerous advantages for aerospace polymer fabrication, revolutionizing the industry with its ability to create complex, lightweight, and optimized structures.

This technology simplifies parts by consolidating multiple components into a single, streamlined unit, reducing weight, complexity, assembly time, and supply chain intricacy. The faster production capabilities of 3D printing, compared to traditional manufacturing methods, enable rapid prototyping and iteration of designs, enhancing the speed and efficiency of aircraft production.


3D printing opens up new design possibilities, allowing engineers to create intricate internal lattice structures and highly complex geometries that were previously impossible to fabricate. This technology enables the optimization of aircraft components for specific performance parameters, improving the overall performance and safety of the final product.


Additionally, high precision 3D printing offers environmental benefits, such as:


  • Reduced material waste through the use of only the required material for the final volume of the part.
  • Lightweight design, consolidation of parts, and on-demand manufacturing.
  • Utilization of sustainable materials and extended lifecycle and repair capabilities.


The aerospace industry has significantly benefited from high precision 3D printing, with various techniques such as Stereolithography (SLA), Digital Light Processing (DLP), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), and laser ablation being employed to create accurate and durable parts.


These methods offer greater accuracy, quicker print times, and the ability to produce a wide range of materials, making 3D printing an affordable and efficient solution for low-volume production of complex parts, reducing manufacturing costs and accelerating the production process.



Materials Breakthrough: Advancements in High-End Aerospace Polymers


The aerospace industry has witnessed significant advancements in high-end polymers for 3D printing applications. These materials are designed to meet the stringent requirements of aerospace components, offering superior mechanical properties, chemical resistance, and high-temperature stability. Some of the most commonly used materials in aerospace 3D printing include:


High-performance polymers:

  • PEEK (Polyether ether ketone) and PEKK (Polyetherketoneketone) offer excellent mechanical properties, chemical resistance, and high-temperature stability.
  • These materials are used to manufacture fuel nozzles, turbine blades, and other engine components, offering improved efficiency and reduced weight.


Flame-retardant polymers:

  • Essential for aerospace applications, these polymers are designed to self-extinguish in case of a fire.
  • They are used to produce brackets, housings, and other structural components, contributing to the overall weight reduction of the aircraft.


Thermoplastic composites:

  • Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) techniques utilize thermoplastic composites, offering high strength-to-weight ratios.
  • These materials are used to fabricate interior components, such as seatback panels, wall panels, and air ducts, offering design freedom and reduced weight.


Polymer matrix composites:

  • Consisting of a polymer matrix reinforced with fibers, these composites offer improved mechanical properties.
  • They are used in various aerospace applications, including structural components and interior parts.


Bio-based polymers:

  • Derived from renewable resources, bio-based polymers are gaining traction in the aerospace industry, reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.
  • These materials offer a sustainable alternative to traditional petroleum-based polymers.


The development of intelligent 3D printed parts is another emerging trend in the aerospace industry. These parts can gather usage data or alert users when there is a flaw or weakness in their performance, enabling predictive maintenance and improved safety. Additionally, the increasing accessibility of 3D printing technology is driving down the cost of materials and hardware, particularly engineering-grade machines capable of processing high-temperature and high-performance materials.


Sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important topic within the 3D printing industry, with innovative solutions being explored and implemented. These include clean energy sources, recycling programs, and greater process efficiency, material usage efficiency, and material recycling. As the aerospace industry continues to adopt 3D printing technology, the development of advanced polymers and sustainable practices will play a crucial role in shaping the future of aerospace manufacturing.


Future Trends: Where High Precision 3D Printing is Heading in Aerospace

The future of high precision 3D printing in aerospace is promising, with the technology poised to transform the industry in various aspects, from design and prototyping to manufacturing, customization, and repairs.


The aerospace 3D printer market is projected to grow at a significant Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) during the forecasted period, driven by the increasing demand for lightweight and durable aircraft parts and the growing adoption of 3D printing technology.


Several 3D printing technologies are being utilized in aerospace engineering, including:

  • Stereolithography (SLA)
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
  • Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
  • Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
  • Fused Granular Fabrication (FGF)


These technologies are applied in the production of jigs & fixtures, surrogates, mounting brackets, high detail visual prototypes, and improving aerospace manufacturing processes.


The Aerospace Parts 3D Printer market is segmented into three types: Aircraft, UAVs, and Spacecraft, catering to both the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) sectors.


In the OEM market, 3D printing technology enables the production of aerospace components and parts directly for the manufacturing process, offering improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and customization options. The market players are spread across various regions, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.


Scalable production is becoming a viable industrial end-use production process, with applications in automotive, aerospace, consumer goods, electronics, energy, and medical industries. Innovative technologies, such as Massivit’s Gel Dispensing Printing (GDP) and Cast In Motion (CIM), are being deployed in critical areas of aerospace manufacturing, significantly reducing material usage and production time compared to conventional methods.


The rise in patent applications related to 3D printing in aerospace further indicates the future growth potential of this field As the aerospace industry continues to embrace high precision 3D printing, we can expect to see more advanced applications, materials, and processes that will revolutionize the way aircraft components are designed, manufactured, and maintained.




The rapid advancements in high precision 3D printing technology are revolutionizing the aerospace industry, offering unparalleled advantages in cost savings, customization, and material versatility. As the technology continues to evolve, it is transforming the way aircraft components are designed, manufactured, and maintained. The development of advanced polymers, coupled with the growing adoption of sustainable practices, is shaping the future of aerospace manufacturing.


The aerospace 3D printer market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for lightweight and durable aircraft parts.


As scalable production becomes a viable industrial end-use process and innovative technologies are deployed in critical areas of aerospace manufacturing, we can expect to see a new era of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and customization in the industry. The rise in patent applications related to 3D printing in aerospace further underscores the immense potential of this transformative technology.


We invite aerospace manufacturers and innovators to engage with us in a collaborative partnership. By leveraging AIP’s advanced manufacturing capabilities and deep material science expertise, you can accelerate the development and production of aerospace components that embody the pinnacle of precision and performance.


Contact AIP Precision Machining to explore how we can contribute to your next aerospace project, driving it towards unparalleled success with our expertise and commitment to excellence.



Q: What effect does 3D printing have on the aerospace sector?

A: 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, has revolutionized the aerospace industry by enabling the creation of lighter, more aerodynamic aircraft components, resulting in significant fuel savings and cost reductions. This technology has been instrumental in manufacturing aircraft parts that are both lighter and more efficient.


Q: What does the future hold for 3D printing in aerospace applications?

A: The outlook for 3D printing in aerospace is very promising. It is particularly advantageous for producing parts in low volumes without the need for expensive, specialized tooling. Additionally, it supports the fabrication of complex, high-precision parts with shorter lead times, which is ideal for the aerospace industry’s needs.


Q: Which 3D printing technologies are commonly utilized in the aerospace industry?

A: The aerospace industry commonly employs Stereolithography (SLA) and Material Jetting for creating detailed and smooth scale models of aerospace components. These accurate models are essential for clearly communicating design concepts and for visualizing the final form of aerospace products.


Q: How is NASA incorporating 3D printing into its space missions?

A: NASA has been experimenting with 3D printing in space since 2014, particularly on the International Space Station (ISS). They have installed an “Additive Manufacturing Facility” on the ISS, enabling astronauts to print tools and parts as needed. This innovation minimizes the necessity for carrying a large inventory of spare parts and allows for immediate repairs, enhancing mission efficiency.

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In recent years, the use of PEEK implants in medical applications has gained significant attention due to their unique properties and potential to minimize infection risks. AIP Precision Machining specializes in crafting highly precise PEEK components, ensuring the highest standards of quality and performance in critical medical applications.

PEEK, or polyetheretherketone, is a high-performance polymer that exhibits excellent biocompatibility, making it an ideal material for orthopedic implants and other medical devices. As healthcare providers strive to reduce complications associated with implant-related infections, understanding the role of PEEK in mitigating these risks has become increasingly important.

This article explores the benefits of using PEEK materials in medical implants and how their inherent properties contribute to reducing infection risks. It discusses the current challenges associated with implant-related infections, which can lead to serious complications for patients, and emphasizes the importance of utilizing materials that possess antibacterial properties. The article also details the specific characteristics of PEEK, such as its resistance to biofilm formation and its ability to be machined into precise peek parts, making it a game-changing material in the field of medical implants.



Understanding the Advantages of Using PEEK in Medical Implants

PEEK (polyetheretherketone) is a high-performance polymer and a member of the polyaryletherketone family, known for their excellent mechanical and chemical resistance due to their molecular structure consisting of phenylene rings and oxygen bridges. This chemical composition imparts PEEK with resilience, durability, and strength, making it an attractive material for orthopedic and spinal implants.

One of the key advantages of PEEK as a biomaterial is its biocompatibility. PEEK has been proven safe for in vivo applications, showing no signs of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, or immunogenicity. It has been successfully used in medical implants for over 20 years. Compared to traditional metallic implant materials like titanium and stainless steel, PEEK has a more favorable flexural modulus that closely matches that of human bone. This similarity in flexibility helps reduce stress shielding and promotes better load transfer to the surrounding bone tissue.

Another significant benefit of PEEK implants is their radiolucency. Unlike metal implants which are radiopaque, PEEK is transparent on X-rays, CT, and MRI scans. This property allows surgeons to easily track the positioning of the implant and detect any complications post-operatively without interference from the implant material itself. The radiolucency of PEEK also enables the use of lower radiation doses during imaging, reducing patient exposure.


PEEK Composition and Benefits

PEEK is a thermoplastic polymer consisting of an aromatic backbone molecular chain interconnected by ketone and ether functional groups. This chemical structure provides PEEK with:

  • High thermal stability (melting point around 343°C)
  • Excellent chemical and radiation resistance
  • Mechanical strength superior to many metals on a per-mass basis
  • Compatibility with reinforcing agents like carbon and glass fibers

The biocompatibility, favorable modulus, and radiolucency of PEEK have positioned it as a leading biomaterial candidate for replacing metallic components in load-bearing orthopedic and spinal implants. Its ability to be sterilized using standard methods like gamma and electron beam radiation without degradation is another key advantage for medical applications. AIP Precision Machining utilizes advanced techniques such as 5-axis and 7-axis machining to fabricate PEEK parts with intricate designs and tight tolerances, ensuring both performance and reliability in medical implants​​.



The Risk of Infections in Medical Implants

Medical implants, while designed to improve patient health and quality of life, carry an inherent risk of infection. Implant-related infections can lead to serious complications, prolonged hospital stays, and even life-threatening conditions. Understanding the common pathogens involved and the potential consequences of these infections is crucial for healthcare professionals and patients alike.


Common Pathogens and Infection Pathways

Implant-related infections are primarily caused by bacterial pathogens, with Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis being the most prevalent culprits. These bacteria can enter the body during the surgical procedure or through the bloodstream, adhering to the implant surface and forming biofilms. Biofilms are complex communities of microorganisms that secrete a protective extracellular matrix, making them highly resistant to antibiotics and the body’s immune defenses.

Other pathogens associated with implant infections include:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Escherichia coli
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Enterococcus species
  • Candida species (fungal)

Infection pathways can be classified as:

  • Perioperative: Inoculation of microorganisms during surgery or immediately after
  • Hematogenous: Spread through blood or lymph from a distant infection site
  • Contiguous: Spread from an adjacent infection focus (e.g., pre-existing osteomyelitis)




Consequences of Infections

Implant-related infections can have devastating consequences for patients, leading to:

  • Chronic pain and discomfort
  • Implant loosening or failure
  • Tissue damage and necrosis
  • Sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
  • Increased morbidity and mortality

Treatment often involves prolonged antibiotic therapy, multiple surgical interventions, and even implant removal. This places a significant burden on patients, both physically and emotionally, and can result in substantial healthcare costs.

The importance of reducing infection risk in medical implants cannot be overstated. Implementing strict infection control measures, utilizing advanced materials like PEEK that minimize bacterial adhesion, and developing novel antimicrobial strategies are essential steps in combating this critical issue. By prioritizing infection prevention, healthcare providers can improve patient outcomes, reduce complications, and enhance the overall success of implant procedures.



PEEK: A Game-Changing Material

PEEK has emerged as a game-changing material in the field of medical implants, offering unique properties that address the limitations of traditional implant materials. Its excellent biocompatibility, mechanical strength, and radiolucency make it an attractive alternative to metals and ceramics.


PEEK vs Traditional Implant Materials

PEEK offers several advantages over traditional implant materials such as titanium and stainless steel:

  • Lower elastic modulus: PEEK’s elastic modulus is closer to that of human bone, reducing stress shielding and promoting better load transfer to the surrounding bone tissue.
  • Radiolucency: Unlike metal implants, PEEK is radiolucent, allowing for clearer imaging during post-operative monitoring and reducing radiation exposure for patients.
  • Chemical stability: PEEK is resistant to corrosion and degradation, ensuring long-term stability in the body.
  • Biocompatibility: PEEK exhibits excellent biocompatibility, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions and inflammation.


Studies Supporting PEEK’s Efficacy

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of PEEK implants in reducing infection risks and improving patient outcomes:

  • A study by Webster et al. (2012) found that PEEK implants exhibited anti-infective properties and promoted osteointegration compared to titanium and poly(ether ether ketone) implants in a rat model of bone infection.
  • Rochford et al. (2019) reported that PEEK implants showed equivalent infection burden and immunological responses compared to metallic implants in vitro and in a murine model of fracture-related infection.
  • Suojanen et al. (2019) observed no differences in infection rates between patient-specific PEEK implants and conventional mini-plates in mandibular bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, with up to 3-year follow-up.

The use of PEEK implants can significantly reduce infection risks associated with medical implants. By minimizing the formation of bacterial biofilms and promoting osseointegration, PEEK materials contribute to improved implant stability and patient comfort. As the demand for safer and more effective implant solutions grows, PEEK is poised to play an increasingly important role in achieving better outcomes for patients undergoing implant procedures.



Clinical Applications and Success Stories

PEEK implants have demonstrated remarkable success in various clinical applications, particularly in orthopedics, dentistry, and spinal surgery. The use of PEEK materials has significantly reduced infection risks, improved implant stability, and increased patient comfort in these fields. AIP Precision Machining has been at the forefront of this innovation, providing highly precise PEEK components that meet the rigorous demands of these medical fields, thereby enhancing patient outcomes and reducing infection risks.


Orthopedic Implants

In orthopedic surgery, PEEK implants have shown promising results in minimizing infection risks and enhancing patient outcomes. Traditional metal implants, such as those made of titanium or stainless steel, are associated with higher rates of infection due to their susceptibility to bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. PEEK, on the other hand, exhibits inherent resistance to bacterial colonization, making it an ideal material for orthopedic implants.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of PEEK implants in reducing infection rates in hip and knee replacements. A retrospective analysis of patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty with PEEK acetabular components reported a significantly lower infection rate compared to those with conventional metal implants. Similarly, in total knee arthroplasty, the use of PEEK tibial components has been associated with reduced incidence of periprosthetic joint infections.

The biocompatibility and mechanical properties of PEEK also contribute to improved implant stability and osseointegration. The elastic modulus of PEEK is closer to that of bone compared to metal implants, reducing stress shielding and promoting better load transfer to the surrounding bone tissue. This enhanced load distribution promotes bone remodeling and reduces the risk of implant loosening or failure.


Dental Implants

PEEK has emerged as a promising alternative to titanium in dental implantology. Dental implants are susceptible to peri-implantitis, an inflammatory condition caused by bacterial infection that can lead to implant failure. PEEK’s resistance to bacterial adhesion and its biocompatibility make it an attractive option for minimizing the risk of peri-implantitis.

Clinical trials have reported favorable outcomes with PEEK dental implants. A prospective study comparing PEEK and titanium dental implants found no significant differences in implant survival rates, marginal bone loss, or soft tissue health between the two materials. Additionally, PEEK implants demonstrated excellent aesthetic results, as their color closely resembles that of natural teeth.

The use of PEEK abutments in implant-supported prostheses has also shown promising results in reducing the risk of bacterial colonization at the implant-abutment interface. The smooth surface of PEEK abutments minimizes plaque accumulation and facilitates easier cleaning, thereby reducing the likelihood of peri-implant infections.


Spinal Implants

PEEK has revolutionized the field of spinal surgery, offering numerous advantages over traditional metal implants. In spinal fusion procedures, PEEK cages and interbody devices have demonstrated excellent biocompatibility, radiolucency, and mechanical stability.

The radiolucent nature of PEEK allows for improved postoperative imaging, enabling surgeons to assess fusion progress and identify any potential complications more effectively. This is particularly important in detecting and managing postoperative infections, as early diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment.

Moreover, PEEK spinal implants have shown reduced rates of subsidence and migration compared to metal implants. The elastic modulus of PEEK, being closer to that of cortical bone, helps distribute the load more evenly across the implant-bone interface, reducing stress concentrations and minimizing the risk of implant-related complications.

Clinical studies have reported favorable outcomes with PEEK spinal implants, including high fusion rates, reduced postoperative pain, and improved patient satisfaction. The use of PEEK in minimally invasive spinal surgery has also gained popularity, as its radiolucency allows for better visualization of the surgical site and facilitates precise implant placement.

In conclusion, the clinical applications of PEEK implants in orthopedics, dentistry, and spinal surgery have demonstrated significant success in reducing infection risks, improving implant stability, and enhancing patient comfort. The inherent properties of PEEK, such as its resistance to bacterial adhesion, biocompatibility, and mechanical similarity to bone, make it a superior choice over traditional metal implants. As research continues to advance, the role of PEEK in minimizing infection risks and optimizing patient outcomes in healthcare is expected to grow further.



Future Prospects of PEEK in Medical Implants

As PEEK continues to gain recognition for its unique properties and potential in medical implants, the future prospects of this material are promising. Researchers and industry experts are actively exploring new avenues to further enhance the performance and applicability of PEEK in healthcare.



Ongoing Research

One of the key areas of ongoing research is the development of biodegradable PEEK variants. While PEEK’s stability and durability are advantageous for long-term implants, there is a growing interest in creating PEEK materials that can safely degrade within the body over time. This would be particularly beneficial for temporary implants or devices that are only needed for a specific healing period. Researchers are investigating various strategies, such as incorporating biodegradable segments into the PEEK polymer chain or developing PEEK composites with biodegradable components.

Another focus of research is the modification of PEEK surfaces to promote better osseointegration. Although PEEK is biocompatible, its relatively inert surface can sometimes limit the direct bonding between the implant and the surrounding bone tissue. To address this, researchers are exploring surface treatments, such as plasma treatment or coating with bioactive materials like hydroxyapatite, to enhance the bone-bonding ability of PEEK implants. These surface modifications aim to improve implant stability and reduce the risk of implant loosening over time.



Potential Innovations

Looking ahead, several potential innovations could revolutionize the use of PEEK in medical implants. One exciting prospect is the development of smart PEEK implants that incorporate sensors or drug delivery systems. These intelligent implants could monitor the healing process, detect any signs of infection, or release therapeutic agents directly at the implant site. Such advancements would enable personalized and targeted treatment, improving patient outcomes and reducing complications.

Another area of potential innovation is the combination of PEEK with other advanced materials to create hybrid implants with enhanced properties. For example, the integration of PEEK with shape memory alloys could lead to implants that can adapt and respond to the body’s natural movements. Similarly, the incorporation of conductive materials into PEEK could enable electrical stimulation of the surrounding tissues, promoting faster healing and regeneration.

The use of 3D printing technology is also expected to play a significant role in the future of PEEK implants. With the ability to create patient-specific implants based on individual anatomical data, 3D printing could revolutionize the design and manufacturing of PEEK implants. This would allow for more precise fitting, improved functionality, and reduced risk of implant failure. As 3D printing techniques continue to advance, the possibilities for customized PEEK implants are vast.

Moreover, the increasing adoption of minimally invasive surgical techniques is driving the demand for smaller and more versatile PEEK implants. The development of miniaturized PEEK components and instruments could enable less invasive procedures, reducing patient trauma and accelerating recovery times.

In conclusion, the future prospects of PEEK in medical implants are highly promising. With ongoing research focused on biodegradability, surface modifications, and smart implant technologies, PEEK is poised to play an even greater role in advancing patient care. As innovations in materials science, manufacturing techniques, and surgical approaches converge, PEEK implants have the potential to revolutionize the field of medical implants, offering safer, more effective, and personalized solutions for a wide range of healthcare applications. The continued collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and industry partners will be crucial in driving these advancements forward and realizing the full potential of PEEK in medical implants.



Advantages of PEEK over Traditional Implant Materials

PEEK (polyetheretherketone) has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional implant materials such as titanium and stainless steel due to its unique combination of biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and radiological advantages. These characteristics make PEEK an ideal choice for minimizing infection risks and improving patient outcomes in healthcare settings.



One of the key advantages of PEEK is its excellent biocompatibility. Unlike metal implants, which can cause allergic reactions or release metal ions into the body, PEEK is biologically inert and does not elicit adverse immune responses. This biocompatibility reduces the risk of inflammation and infection at the implant site, promoting faster healing and better long-term results.

PEEK’s biocompatibility also enables better integration with the surrounding tissue. The material’s surface properties encourage cell adhesion and growth, facilitating the formation of a stable interface between the implant and the host tissue. This enhanced osseointegration reduces the likelihood of implant loosening or failure, which can be a significant source of infection.


Mechanical Properties

PEEK’s mechanical properties closely resemble those of human bone, making it an ideal material for load-bearing implants. The elastic modulus of PEEK is similar to that of cortical bone, which helps to distribute stress more evenly across the implant-bone interface. This stress distribution minimizes the risk of stress shielding, a phenomenon in which the implant bears an excessive load, leading to bone resorption and weakening around the implant. By maintaining a more natural stress distribution, PEEK implants promote bone health and reduce the risk of implant-related infections.

Moreover, PEEK’s high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent fatigue resistance ensure long-term stability and durability of the implant. These properties are particularly important in load-bearing applications, such as spinal implants and orthopedic devices, where implant failure can lead to serious complications and increased infection risk.


Radiological Advantages

PEEK’s radiolucency is another significant advantage over traditional metal implants. Unlike metal, which can create artifacts and obscure imaging results, PEEK is transparent to X-rays, CT scans, and MRI. This radiolucency allows for clearer visualization of the implant site and surrounding tissues, enabling more accurate diagnosis and monitoring of potential complications, including infections.

The ability to obtain high-quality imaging is crucial for early detection and timely intervention in case of implant-related infections. With PEEK implants, healthcare professionals can more easily identify signs of infection, such as fluid collections or soft tissue abnormalities, and initiate appropriate treatment promptly. This early intervention can prevent the progression of infection and minimize the risk of serious complications.

In summary, PEEK’s biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and radiological advantages make it a superior choice over traditional implant materials for minimizing infection risks in healthcare. By promoting better tissue integration, maintaining natural stress distribution, and allowing for clearer imaging, PEEK implants contribute to improved patient comfort, faster recovery, and reduced incidence of implant-related infections. As the demand for safer and more effective implant solutions grows, PEEK is poised to play an increasingly important role in achieving better outcomes for patients undergoing implant procedures.




The use of PEEK implants in healthcare has proven to be a game-changer in minimizing infection risks and improving patient outcomes. AIP Precision Machining’s expertise in producing highly precise PEEK parts plays a crucial role in this advancement, ensuring that medical devices and implants are of the highest quality and performance​​​​.

PEEK’s unique properties, including its biocompatibility, mechanical strength, and radiolucency, make it an ideal material for various medical applications, such as orthopedic, dental, and spinal implants. By reducing the risk of bacterial adhesion and promoting better osseointegration, PEEK implants offer a safer and more effective alternative to traditional metal implants.

As research continues to advance, the future of PEEK in medical implants looks promising. With ongoing studies focusing on biodegradability, surface modifications, and smart implant technologies, PEEK is poised to play an even greater role in enhancing patient care and reducing the incidence of implant-related complications. As healthcare professionals strive to provide the best possible outcomes for their patients, the adoption of PEEK implants will undoubtedly contribute to a safer and more successful future in medical implantology.

AIP Precision Machining’s expertise in producing highly precise PEEK parts plays a crucial role in this advancement, ensuring that medical devices and implants are of the highest quality and performance​​​​.

Medical professionals with complex projects and stringent requirements can reach out to AIP’s experts for consultation and support. Our team is ready to collaborate with you to deliver precision-engineered solutions that meet your specific needs. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist with your medical device projects and contribute to your success.




What benefits do PEEK implants offer?PEEK implants provide several advantages over other materials like zirconium and titanium, notably due to their good color stability, appealing appearance, and an elastic modulus that closely matches that of cortical bone. These properties make PEEK a popular choice for dental implants and various other prosthetic applications.


How does PEEK compare to titanium in terms of infection rates?A review comparing infection rates across materials used in cranioplasty and craniofacial reconstruction found that titanium mesh had an infection rate of 7.71%, titanium plates had 8.31%, and PEEK implants had 7.89%. These figures suggest that PEEK is comparable to titanium in terms of infection risk.


What is PEEK, and why is it used in medical implants?PEEK, or polyether ether ketone, is a high-performance polymer widely utilized in the manufacturing of medical implants and devices. It is known for its excellent load-bearing capacity and compatibility with bone, making it a superior alternative to many metal implants.


In what medical applications are PEEK implants used?The superior properties of PEEK make it ideal for various implantology applications. These include finger prostheses, frameworks for removable partial dentures (RPD) and fixed partial dentures (FPD), as well as dental implants.

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Most polymers have a natural tendency to absorb water. In fact, some superabsorbent polymers are highly sought after in advanced applications for medical, construction and more. Yet, moisture absorption of thermoplastics leads to changes with regard to processing and properties.


It is crucial for machinists and designers to understand the moisture absorption of thermoplastics for CNC machining. During the design phase, this not only helps with initial material selection, but plays a role in predicting the life span of a part. At AIP, we take great care in providing unrivaled results to ensure the optimal dimensions and properties for machined polymers and composites. Join us in this technical brief as we give an in-depth explanation of the effects of moisture absorption for machined polymers.


Plastics Machining and the Importance of Water Absorption


Moisture / water absorption is the capacity of a plastic or a polymer to absorb moisture from its environment. Absorbed moisture sometimes acts as a plasticizer, reducing the glass transition temperature and strength of plastic (this is a reversible side effect). However, absorbed water also can lead to irreversible degradation of the polymer structure.


Some effects include:

  • Dimensional and mass changes (swelling) caused by water absorption
  • Extraction of water-soluble components
  • Changes in mechanical (elasticity, tensile strength, impact strength) and electrical performance


Water absorption is expressed as increase in weight percent or % weight gain of a plastic specimen under the following testing procedures:

  • Water Absorption 24 hrs at 23°C – Immersion of a plastic specimen in distilled water during 24 hours at 23°C
  • Water Absorption 24 hrs at 100°C– Immersion of a plastic specimen in distilled boiling water during 24 hours Water Absorption at saturation – Immersion of a plastic specimen in distilled water at 23°C.  Measurement occurs when the polymer does not absorb water anymore
  • Water Absorption at Equilibrium– Plastic specimen is exposed to a humid environment — generally at 50% relative humidity — at a specified temperature — 23°C or 73.4°F — for 24 hours


(Source: Omnexus)


Exposure to humidity, immersion and boiling water can result in different material responses. The equilibrium moisture content can be used to compare the amount of water absorbed by different types of plastics when they are exposed to moisture.


Plastics Processing and Properties


Polymers are affected by moisture from their environment or from simply sitting on a shelf waiting to be used.  This is not a huge concern, but when the moisture absorption reaches more than 1% or 2%+, this can result in enough dimensional movement to create concerns.


Moisture Absorption Affects:

  • Mechanical properties
  • Wear properties
  • Dimensions


For example, parts made from TORLON (PAI) require special attention due to a 1.7% moisture at saturation value.  While this number may not sound like much, it is enough to cause a precision machined TORLON part to exceed tolerance; in this scenario, the part cannot be used.


Therefore, it is important to properly package these mission critical polymers for lasting shelf-life and function.  This can be achieved in two ways:  1) Vacuum-sealing them in a moisture-impermeable layer or 2) packaging them with bags of desiccant.  This prevents moisture uptake in humid environments.


Tests to Measure Water Absorption of Plastics




ASTM D570 – Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics


This test method for rate of water absorption has two main functions:

  1. A guide to the proportion of water absorbed by a material and consequently, in those cases where the relationships between moisture and electrical or mechanical properties, dimensions, or appearance have been determined, as a guide to the effects of exposure to water or humid conditions on such properties.
  2. A control test on the uniformity of a product. It is particularly applicable to sheet, rod, and tube arms when the test is made on the finished product.


Procedure:  Parts are dried in an oven for a specified time and temperature and then placed in a desiccator to cool.  Upon cooling, the specimens are weighed to establish a point of reference.  The material is then submerged in water at standardized conditions (usually 23°C for 24 hours or until equilibrium).  Specimens are removed from the liquid, dried and weighed.


What affects water absorption?

  • Type of plastic
  • Morphology (crystalline, amorphous…)
  • Type and proportion of additives, fillers and reinforcements used
  • Fiber fraction and orientation (in composites)
  • Relative humidity and temperature
  • Length of exposure


Water Absorption Values for Common Polymers


Polymer Name Min Value (% weight) Max Value (% weight)
ABS – Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene 0.05 1.80
PA – Nylon Polyamide, 66 30% Glass Fiber 0.80 1.10
PAI – Polyamide-Imides (TORLON) 0.10 0.30
PBI – Polybenzimidazole (CELAZOLE) 0.4 5
PC – Polycarbonate, high heat 0.10 0.20
PE – Polyethylene, 30% glass fiber 0.02 0.06
PEEK – Polyetheretherketone 0.10 0.50
PEI – Polyetherimide (ULTEM) 0.20 0.30
PP – Polypropylene 0.01 0.10
PS – Polystyrene, high heat 0.01 0.07
PSU – Polysulfone 0.20 0.80
PTFE – Polytetrafluorethylene 0.005 0.015
PVC – Polyvinyl chloride, rigid 0.04 0.40
PVDF – Polyvinylidene fluoride (KYNAR) 0.03 0.05


As the chart notes, some polymers such as Nylon (PA) have a higher rate of % gain from moisture absorption.  However, polymers like PVDF and PTFE have a very low % gain in weight after the ASTM D570 test – which makes them excellent candidates for applications where moisture is a factor.


Performance thermoplastics are often exposed to high temperature applications (aircraft engines) which also absorb high levels of moisture.  This is common in materials such as PBI (Celazole) and PAI (Torlon), since these polymers absorb moisture at high rates but are also specified in high temperature applications.


Basically, what can happen is that these materials absorb the moisture if not properly stored and packaged.  Then if subject to high levels of heat without time for the moisture to dissipate, the internal moisture boils and turns to steam causing the parts to crack and blister.


Managing Moisture Absorption

For predictable machined part fit and performance, stock shapes and finished parts should be stored in a dry environment.  Both finished parts and stock shapes should be packed in moisture barrier packaging.  Only open packaging just prior to use.  In the event that a part may have adsorbed so much moisture as to risk shocking it when placing it in high temperature or vacuum service, consider drying the material prior to use or re-use.


Your machining facility will have specifications on temperature and storage procedures for all polymers, stock shapes and components.  When it comes to critical applications, work with a machine shop that has high standards for storing products.  After all, machining a polymer is only part of the entire process; wasted machining, revenue and parts is not worth risking poor storage conditions.  The table below shows some common packaging for polymers to increase and preserve shelf-life.



Generally, you can find a polymer’s 24 Hour and Saturation Moisture Absorption Values on a data chart.  A chart can give a general idea of the moisture absorption, but an entire data set with the curve of a material is the best way to determine the right material for your project.  Be sure to work with a plastics machining company that can provide you a wide range of data on the moisture absorption of polymers and composites.  Your machinist will be able to identify how moisture and humidity will affect your project’s design and functionality.  Talk to one our engineers at AIP about your project design, and we will work with you to provide unrivaled expertise from your project’s initial concept to completion.


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What is Thermal Expansion (and Contraction)?


Thermal expansion or contraction occurs when a material is exposed to temperature change and thus leads to change in all dimensions, as well as other physical properties.  While this effect is most noticeable in gasses and liquids, it is also notable in solids.  Softer materials such as unreinforced polymers experience greater levels of dimensional change per each degree change in temperature.


When it comes to machining polymers, heat is always part of the equation.  Increasing the temperature on any polymer or composite can lead to significant changes in dimensions, to part warpage or to internal stress.  Therefore, it is crucial for machinists and designers to understand the amount of thermal expansion a material will undergo during machining operations.  Ideally, reducing any and all thermal contributors during machining would provide for the least machinist stress during production.


One of the tests that engineers and designers use to measure the dimensional stability of a material under the effects of heat is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion.  At AIP, we take great care in providing unrivaled results to ensure the optimal dimensions and properties for machined polymers and composites.  Join us in this technical brief as we give an in-depth explanation of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (CLTE).


The CLTE Equation


The linear coefficient ‘CLTE or α for plastic and polymer materials is calculated as:


a = ΔL / (L0 * ΔT)



a is coefficient of linear thermal expansion per degree Celsius


ΔL is change in length of test specimen due to heating or to cooling


L0 is the original length of specimen at room temperature


ΔT is temperature change, °C, during test


Calculate a by dividing the linear expansion per unit length by the change in temperature. When reporting the mean coefficient of thermal expansion, the temperature ranges must be specified.  It is important to note that with many materials, a can change as temperature changes.  It is not always linear, but many times assumed to be linear for most less critical applications or quick estimates.


Recently we were brought in to evaluate a material cracking issue with a Polycarbonate Lens.  The cracks were noted around the fastener holes.  The fasteners mounted the lens to an aluminum frame.  It was discovered that there was basically no or minimal clearance between the fasteners and holes in the Polycarbonate.  As the thermal environment deviated over a 100 oF range, the lens obviously expanded and contracted resulting in the fracture.  Updating the design to allow for additional clearance solved the problem.


Applications of CLTE


Thermal expansion in materials causes premature cracks and stresses that can lead to part failure.  Understanding the CLTE is not only a fiscal concern, but also helpful in determining the type of material for quality and function.


  • It is required for design purposes.
  • It helps determine dimensional behavior of machined parts subject to temperature changes.
  • It also determines thermal stresses that can occur, and cause failure of a solid item composed of different materials when it is exposed to temperature (specially to predict efficient material bonding or while using plastics with metals).



How to Measure CLTE


The most widely used standards to measure coefficient of linear thermal expansion in plastics are ASTM D696, ASTM E831, ASTM E228 and ISO 11359.


Common methods for determining CLTE include:

  • Dilatometry
  • Interferometry
  • Thermomechanical analysis




With this technique, the specimen is heated in a furnace and displacement of the ends of the specimen are transmitted to a sensor by means of push rod.  The push rods may be vitreous silica type, high-purity alumina type, or the isotropic graphite type.


ASTM D696 – This test covers determination of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion for plastic materials having coefficients of expansion greater than 1?µm/(m.°C) by use of a vitreous silica dilatometer. The nature of most plastics and the construction of the dilatometer make -30 to +30°C (-22°F to +86°F) a convenient temperature range for linear thermal expansion measurements of plastics, since most plastics are commonly used within this temperature range.


ASTM E228 – This test is used for temperatures other than -30°C to 30°C to determine linear thermal expansion of solid materials with a push-rod dilatometer.




Using optical interference methods, displacement of the material ends is measured in terms of the number of wavelengths of monochromatic light.  While precision is great that with dilatometry, interferometry is not used much above 700 °C (1290 °F).


ASTM E289 – provides a standard method for linear thermal expansion of rigid solids with interferometry that is applicable from –150 to 700 °C (–240 to 1290 °F). It is more applicable to materials having low or negative CLTE in the range of <5 × 10-6/K (2.8 × 10-6/°F) or where only limited lengths of thickness of other higher expansion coefficient materials are available.


Thermomechanical Analysis


Measurements are made with a thermomechanical analyzer that has a material holder and probe that transmits changes in length to a transducer.  The transducer converts the movements of the probe into an electrical signal.


ASTM E831 (and ISO 11359-2) – These tests are applicable to solid materials that exhibit sufficient rigidity over the test temperature range.  It is applicable to the temperature range from −120 to 900°C. The temperature range may be extended depending upon the instrumentation and calibration materials used.



Factors Affecting CLTE Measurements of Plastics


  1. Fibers and other fillers significantly reduce thermal expansion.
  2. The magnitude of CLTE increases with rising temperature.
  3. Molecular orientation also affects the thermal expansion of plastics. The thermal expansion is often affected by the cooling time during processing. This is especially true with semi-crystalline polymers whose crystallization process requires time.


List of CLTE Values for Precision Plastics



Polymer Name CLTE Value (10-6 / oC)
ABS – Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene 72-108
PA – Nylon Polyamide, general purpose 110
PAI – Polyamide-Imides (TORLON) 3-4
PC – Polycarbonate 65-70
PE – Polyethylene 108-200
PEEK – Polyetheretherketone 4.5-5.5
PEI – Polyetherimide (ULTEM) 5-6
PP – Polypropylene 72-90
PS – Polystyrene 70
PSU – Polysulfone 55-90
PTFE – Polytetrafluorethylene 112-135
PVC – Polyvinyl chloride 54-110
PVDF – Polyvinylidene fluoride (KYNAR) 128-140


As the chart notes, some polymers such as Polyethylene (PE, HDPE, UHMWPE) and Nylon (PA) tend to move more with temperature change. However, polymers like PEEK and TORLON (PAI) have a resistance to heat that rivals those of metals like aluminum (21-24).


Carbon and glass reinforced polymers can result in metal like levels of CLTE.  This can be advantageous when mission critical polymer parts are to be mounted to metallic components without an allowance for expansion or contraction.


A chart can give a general idea of the CLTE, but an entire data set with the curve of a material is the best way to determine the right material for your project.  Be sure to work with a plastics machining company that can provide you a wide range of data on the CLTE of polymers and composites.  Your machinist will be able to identify how temperatures will affect your project’s design and functionality.  Talk to one our engineers at AIP about your project design, and we will work with you to provide unrivaled expertise from your project’s initial concept to completion.


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We’ve got 3 tips on choosing the right material for your design.


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An Informational Brief on Polymer Machining


Polybutylene Terephthalate, also known as PBT, is a crystalline polyester thermoplastic that is a household name in everyday applications. You can find it under the hood in automotive applications, such as brake cable liners or sockets due to its ability to endure harsh environments and resist chemicals. In food processing and electrical applications, it is chosen for its resistance to staining and low moisture absorption. As industries continue to expand and populations grow, the demand for this thermoplastic “miracle worker” only continues to increase.


AIP has over 37 years of experience machining complex components from thermoplastics like Polybutylene Terephthalate. In this insightful technical brief, we will discuss what goes into machining PBT and how it differs from other manufacturing options such as metal machining, injection molding, and 3D printing.


Properties of PBT


It is beneficial to keep information on the properties of a thermoplastic pre-machining. This helps in selecting the right thermoplastic for a project. Furthermore, it assists in evaluating if the end use requirement would be fulfilled or not. Below are some of the key characteristics of Polybutylene Terephthalate:


PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate) is a thermoplastic polyester that is very similar to PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) but has a slightly better impact resistance. As a semi-crystalline engineering thermoplastic, it has outstanding processing properties for molding, thermoforming and machining. It is often a prime candidate for injection molding as the material crystallizes rapidly, so mold cycles are short and temperatures can be lower than for many thermoplastics.


PBT is produced by polycondensation of terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate with 1,4-butanediol using special catalysts.


PBT Scientific Breakdown Infographic

Molecular Structure of PBT

Chemical Formula: (C12H12O4)n

Key features of Polybutylene Terephthalate

PBT displays excellent mechanical and electrical properties like good chemical resistance, impact resistance, low moisture absorption, rigidity, low co-efficient of friction and staining resistance. It is often reinforced with glass-fibers or minerals to improve its tensile, flexural and compressive strengths and moduli.


Material Property Value
Elongation at Break 5-300%
Elongation at Yield 3.5-9%
Flexibility & Stiffness (Flexural Modulus) 2-4 GPa
Hardness Rockwell M 70-90
Hardness Shore D 90-95
Tensile Strength 40-50 MPa
Notched Izod Impact at Room Temperature 27-999 J/m
Notched Izod Impact at Low Temperature 27-120 J/m
Young Modulus 2-3 GPa
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 6-10 x 10-5/oC
Shrinkage 0.5-2.2%
Water Absorption 24 hours 0.1-0.2%


Applications of PBT


PBT finds many applications in the electrical and automotive industries. It is particularly common in food processing applications as it offers very low moisture absorption, resistance to staining and resistance to cleaning chemicals.


At room temperature, PBT is resistant to the following chemicals: aliphatic hydrocarbons, gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, perchloroethylene, oils, fats, alcohols, glycols, esters, ethers and dilute acids and bases. However, they are attacked by strong bases.


For this reason, PBT can endure extreme and harsh environments such as automotive under-hood applications, outdoor electrical applications where fire is a concern, and valves or insulation in food processing or autoclave components.


Other common applications include:

  • Cams
  • Food Piston Pumps
  • Fuel Pump Components
  • Gears
  • Wear Strips
  • Housing Components


The broad use of PBT is also shown by the numerous regulatory approvals held by various grades. These include VDE or UL-approvals for the electrical and electronics market or FDA approval for the nutrition and medical market.


Grades of PBT


At AIP, we machine various grades and brand name Polybutylene Terephthalate, including Hydex PBT. Branded names include the following:


  • HYDEX 4101
  • HYDEX 4101L**


**PBT is also available as Hydex 4101L in a bearing grade.


Our close ties with the industry’s leading plastics manufacturers give us even further insight and access to technical help in material selection, sizing and manufacturing procedures. Whatever your application, our machinists can help you in material selection, sizing and manufacturing techniques from concept to completion.


Machining PBT


Annealing PBT

Annealing and stress-relieving plastics is crucial to the machining process. If not machined with coolants, lubricants and trained procedures, this material is subject to cracking and crazing. The annealing process at AIP greatly reduces the chances of these stresses occurring from the heat generated during machining polymers like PBT. Our machinists use computer controlled annealing ovens for the highest quality precision temperatures and time control.


Machining PBT

We recommend non-aromatic, water-soluble coolants because they are most suitable for ideal surface finishes and close tolerances. These include pressurized air and spray mists. Coolants have the additional benefit of extending tool life as well.


PBT is a semi-aromatic thermoplastic that is easily molded and thermoformed. Since it crystallizes rapidly, mold cycles are short and molding temperatures can be lower compared to other engineering plastics.


Some companies machine both metals and plastics, which has detrimental outcomes for machined polymer products. Many past experiences have shown parts going to customer without cracks, only to develop surface cracks and warping over time due to exposure to metal machine shop fluids. Be sure to use a facility like AIP that only machines polymers.


Preventing Contamination

Contamination is a serious concern when machining polymer components for technically demanding industries such as aerospace and medical sciences. To ensure the highest level of sanitation down to the sub-molecular level, AIP Precision Machining designs, heat-treats, and machines only plastics with any sub-manufactured metalwork processed outside our facility. This allows us to de-risk the process from metallic cross contamination.


Polybutylene Terephthalate Machining Guide: Supportive Information


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Providing unrivaled expertise and unparalleled results is at the heart of our mission at AIP Precision Machining.


Tell us about your project’s specifications and we will help you solve your plastics puzzle.



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A discussion on the importance of ITAR registration


Whether it is distributing M16 rifles for military operatives or manufacturing landing gear components for AC-130J gunships, facilities that deal with USML Defense Articles in the United States must be compliant with and registered under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). 


ITAR regulates the production, sale and transport of munitions categorized under the United States Munitions List (USML).  There are 21 groupings in the USML Defense Articles including:  spacecraft, aircraft, rockets and missiles, weapons, nuclear munitions as well as technology and data.  Precision machined parts for sensitive aerospace and defense programs fall within this list of regulated items.


At AIP, we not only guarantee a quality assurance program, we are ITAR certified and registered in order to assure protection of vital United States technology assets.  Our certifications also include ISO 13485:2016 certified, AS9100D:2016 certified and FDA registered.  For the past 37 years, we have worked with leading aerospace and defense engineers and contractors to machine components for the aerospace and defense sectors.  We understand the value and necessity of being ITAR certified and registered to these customers and our country.


In this issue of our monthly blog, we discuss what it means to be ITAR certified and how it emphasizes our commitment to excellence.


Why should a plastics machining facility be ITAR certified? 


The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is the United States regulation that controls the manufacture, sale, and distribution of defense and space-related articles and services as defined in the United States Munitions List (USML).


Besides rocket launchers, torpedoes, and other military hardware, the list also restricts the plans, diagrams, photos, and other documentation used to build ITAR-controlled military gear. This is referred to by ITAR as “technical data”.  Under ITAR, access to physical materials and technical data related to defense and military technologies is restricted to US citizens.  


Annual Fee and Registration

The ITAR certification incurs an annual registration fee of $2,250.00 along with an application.  All companies required to register must document and keep records of their ITAR related activities and make them available for inspection upon request from DDTC.  Additionally, ITAR registered companies are required to have a formal technology control plan (TCP).


Infractions and Penalties

The basic premise of ITAR is to protect sensitive military and defense material made in the United States from any harmful activity.  Any infraction against the ITAR regulations can result in heavy fines and significant brand and reputation damage.  Additionally, noncompliance can mean the loss of business to a compliant competitor.



  • Civil fines up to $500,000 per violation
  • Criminal fines up to $1 million and/or 10 years imprisonment per violation


Who needs to be ITAR compliant?

Any company that handles, manufactures, designs, sells, or distributes items on the USML must be ITAR compliant. The State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) compiles and manages the list of companies that can deal in USML goods and services. Companies must establish their own regulations to uphold ITAR compliance. Some examples of companies and entities who must be ITAR registered and certified include the following:

  • Wholesalers
  • Contractors
  • Distributors
  • Third-party suppliers
  • Computer software/hardware vendors


An example would be a steel manufacturer who machines triggers for automatic rifles specifically for the United States Military. This manufacturer is required to have ITAR registration and certification to produce this specific part of the weapon. They must also follow the guidelines and establish company regulations to align with ITAR.


As a precision plastics machining company, we work closely with companies and contractors in the aerospace and defense sector. In aerospace and defense, high-performance thermoplastics are sought after for their strength and weight-saving capabilities.


Mechanics working on the inner workings of a plane

Our products machined for these industries include:

  • Aircraft engines, systems and structural components
  • Chemical detection devices
  • Landing gear components
  • Military targeting and defense sensors
  • Space and Satellite devices


Our machined polymers and components for aerospace and defense must pass through rigorous quality management assurance and testing while simultaneously meeting the ITAR regulations. This helps us to ensure not only that we are meeting our own personal standards of unrivaled expertise, but that we are meeting the industry standards to create unparalleled results.


How does ITAR certification help AIP serve the aerospace and defense sectors?


At AIP, we promise “unrivaled expertise and unparalleled results”. These guiding principles have made us seek out the highest levels of certifications and industry standards for these major markets: aerospace, medical, power and energy and specialized industrial.


In order to survive the rigors of the aerospace and defense industry, AIP produces components with the utmost level of precision. These products are lightweight, radar absorbent and made to last in extreme temperatures. Additionally, they follow strict adherence to industry specifications.


We know that product durability, weight and resistance to high temperatures and corrosive materials are essential for our customers. In our commitment to quality custom plastic components for aerospace and defense industry, AIP is a certified and registered ITAR facility. We are capable of satisfying all customer DOD, NASA, and FAA quality requirements flowed down from our OEM customers.


At AIP, quality assurance is a norm not only for our customers but for ourselves. As an ITAR certified and registered facility, we are proud to offer a complex quality assurance process that focuses on product quality, fast delivery and cost-effective options.


What about AIP Precision Machining allows us to achieve ITAR Certification


“Consistency and commitment define our company,” says John MacDonald, president of AIP Precision Machining. “While management pursued and procured the means to establish the ITAR registration and certification, it is our team and their daily attention to their craft and expertise that allows us to uphold the regulations. That’s what makes us better every day at exceeding the needs of our valued customers.”


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A discussion on the importance of FDA registration to ensure QMS in plastics machining facilities


FDA LogoFor businesses and facilities involved in the production and distribution of medical devices, FDA Registration is a requirement to machine or manufacture any plastic material that will be used in the United States medical market.


Therefore, if your manufacturer or machining shop is not FDA registered, start looking for a new facility with the appropriate certifications and industry standard regulations. There is no compromise on safety and quality assurance when working with plastics for critical applications.


At AIP, we not only guarantee a quality assurance program, we are FDA registered, ISO 13485:2016 certified, AS9100D:2016 certified and ITAR certified. As a precision plastics machining company with over 35 years’ experience, we have worked with medical OEMs and R&D representatives to machine critical components for the medical and specialized industrial sectors. We understand the value of a transparent QMS program through the FDA Registration.


In this issue of our monthly blog, we discuss what it means to be FDA registered and how it emphasizes our commitment to quality, safety and excellence.


Why should a plastics machining facility be FDA registered?


FDA registration is a set of mandates that regulate manufacturing operations for facilities involved in the production and distribution of medical devices in the United States. It determines whether a facility has the appropriate resources, including equipment and personnel, to perform the manufacturing operations. This registration includes an annual audit to ensure compliance with the FDA registration requirements.


This audit includes an annual registration fee for device establishments. Additionally, most facilities that are FDA registered must provide a list of devices that are made there and the activities that are performed on those devices.


As per the FDA device registration and listing, “If a device requires premarket approval or notification before being marketed in the U.S., then the owner/operator should also provide the FDA premarket submission number (510(k), PMA, PDP, HDE, De Novo).”


The use of an unregistered device or material can be very dangerous. This means it hasn’t been listed, cleared, tested or approved by the FDA. What if the device is unsafe or ineffective for the user or client?


Learn about how to ensure sterilization and industry
standards applied to plastic machined medical applications


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Additionally, using a device not listed with the FDA means there is no protection for a healthcare or wellness professional should a client have a harmful experience.


If you’re unsure if a medical device is listed with the FDA, you can search for the manufacturer in the Registration & Listing Database.


How does FDA registration help AIP serve the medical market?


Employee Quality assessing a plastic part

At AIP, we promise “unrivaled expertise and unparalleled results”. These guiding principles have made us seek out the highest levels of certifications and industry standards for these major markets: aerospace, medical, power and energy and specialized industrial.


We know that product durability, cleanliness and safety are essential for our customers. Our FDA registration allows us to create highly precise and extremely resilient machined plastics for critical applications.


We have been successfully audited by some of the most stringent OEMs across all market sectors. Our plastics are processed with strict hygienic procedures to ensure the highest level of sanitation down to the sub-molecular level.


At AIP, quality assurance is a norm not only for our customers but for ourselves. As an FDA registered facility, we are proud to offer a complex quality assurance process that focuses on product quality, fast delivery and cost-effective options.


What about AIP Precision Machining allows us to achieve FDA Registration


“At AIP, it’s about the people and their commitment to this company as a team,” said MacDonald. “We have been FDA registered for the last 35 years, and our team consistently displays attention to maintaining the standards of this regulation on the machine shop floor. That’s what makes us better every day at meeting the needs of our valued customers.”


If you are interested in learning more about our quality assurance
program or have a machined plastic part design, reach out to our team.


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One of the high-performance thermoplastics that AIP machines is Polyetherimide (PEI), known by its tradename ULTEM.  Due to its weight-saving properties, high chemical and hydrolysis resistance and tensile strength, ULTEM is popular across several industries: Automotive, aerospace and defense, electrical and electronic market, medical and life sciences and industrial applications and appliances.  Read on to learn about what this incredible polymer can do!




Polyetherimide (PEI) is an amorphous thermoplastic.  Polyetherimide was developed to provide sufficient flexibility and good melt processability while maintaining excellent mechanical and thermal properties.


Key properties of ULTEM PEI include:

  • Handling at temperatures up to 340°F (171°C)
  • Heat Resistance
  • Flame Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance
  • High Rigidity
  • Highest Dielectric Strength
  • Hydrolysis Resistance
  • Low Thermal Conductivity


ULTEM Applications

As mentioned previously, ULTEM is a highly sought-after thermoplastic for weight-saving capabilities in aerospace components to reusable autoclave sterilizations in medical applications.  However, it’s most commonly used in high voltage electrical insulation applications.


Common uses include:

  • Analytical Instrumentation
  • Dielectric Properties Required
  • Electrical Insulators
  • High Strength Situations
  • Reusable Medical Devices
  • Semiconductor Process Components
  • Structural Components
  • Underwater Connector Bodies


So, what can this polymer do?  Let’s take a closer look at how ULTEM (PEI) is applied in the Aerospace & Defense, Medical & Life Sciences and Specialized Industrial markets:




In the Aerospace & Defense Industry, ULTEM is often applied to aircraft components for weight reduction in place of metal parts.  Additionally, since it has a high thermal resistance rating, polymer components have the benefit of evading radar detection in military aircraft.


AIP machines ULTEM 1000 & ULTEM 2300


ULTEM 2300 is a 30 percent glass filled version of virgin ULTEM 1000.  The addition of glass increases ULTEM 1000’s dimensional stability by almost three times.


For over three decades, AIP has provided flight control, fuel system, interior, engine and aerodynamic-related ULTEM components for various aircraft OEM and MRO providers worldwide.  As this industry continues to expand, evolve and innovate, the demand for high-performance materials like ULTEM contribute significantly to streamlined operations.




In the Medical Industry, biocompatibility and sterilization are paramount to medical instruments and implants. ULTEM is often a popular choice in this sector due to its resistance to chemicals and lipids.  Polyetherimide also withstands dry heat sterilization at 356°F (180°C), ethylene oxide gas, gamma radiation and steam autoclave.


Some popular medical applications include disposable and re-usable medical devices and medical monitor probe housings.  These could be surgical instrument handles and enclosures or non-implant prostheses.  It gets extensive use in membrane applications due to its separation, permeance and biocompatible properties.




At AIP, we precision machine ULTEM for many specialized industrial applications as well: automotive, electrical and metal replacement, to name a few.  Despite the diversity of these industrial applications, we have the inventory and machining capabilities to provide solutions for any project specifications.


PEI is most often used in electrical and lighting systems in the automotive market for its high heat resistance, mechanical integrity and strength.  Principal automotive applications include: transmission parts, throttle bodies, ignition components, thermostat housings, bezels, reflectors, lamp sockets and electromechanical systems.


The electrical and electronic markets demand high heat resistant materials.  ULTEM is an excellent choice for applications such as electrical circuit boards, switches, connectors, electronic chips and capacitors.


As discussed previously, thermoplastics like ULTEM often replace metal parts in industrial applications.  For this reason, it’s often used in housewares, especially fluid handling systems.  Some of these applications are: HVAC equipment, microwave cookware, steam and curling irons, dual-ovenable trays for food packaging that meets FDA food packaging requirements.


What can AIP Precision Machining do for you?


From concept to completion, our team of engineers will work with you to realize the final product.  With some of the fastest lead times in the industry, our unrivaled technical experts we can tackle your polymer challenges.


What Can This Polymer Do? Supportive Information


Medical Sector Biomaterials Guide

Energy Sector Materials Guide

Aerospace Sector Materials Guide

Amorphous Materials

Aerospace Case Study: Weight-saving Polymers




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